
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung cancer accounts for about 27 percent of all cancer deaths and is by far the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. When Caught In The Early Stages, Lung Cancer Is Highly Treatable.

Woodlands Medical Specialists offers simple low-dose CT lung screening for those at high risk for lung cancer. Our Early Detection Lung Screening Program provides a multidisciplinary approach for smoking cessation education, screening, follow-up, diagnosis and treatment.

This screening is covered by Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield and some other private insurers for those that meet the screening requirements.

Candidates For Screening

  • I am between the ages of 55-77
  • I have no signs or symptoms of lung cancer
  • I have smoked for 30 years or more
  • I am a current smoker or I have quit smoking within the past 15 years

To learn more about our Early Detection Lung Screening Program, call our lung navigator at 850-696-4363.