What are your 2014 New Year’s health resolutions? The best place to start is a visit to your primary care physician. Your PCP should be your partner for a healthier you in the new year. “It’s best to have someone who can review your medical history and tailor a plan to meet your goals. I work with my patients on setting realistic expectations for a healthier lifestyle, the process should be attainable,” says Woodlands Primary Care Physician, Dr. Mark Ryan.

A Primary Care Physician Has Many Roles: A health related News Years resolution could be to schedule an appointment with a primary care physician. Your primary care physician should know everything about your health. And, when speciality care is necessary, your PCP has many resources for specialty referrals when a specialist is needed for specific conditions and diseases.

When you visit your PCP, you most definitely should prepare for your appointment. Write down your family and personal medical history as well as your mediciations so that you can review with your physician. This information is very helpful for screenings. For example, if you have a family history of breast cancer, your screening mammogram may need to be much earlier than the age of 40. Also, priortize your questions beginning with number one through ten. You will most definitely want to go over the most important ones as well as not forget. Don’t be afraid to ask you physician questions.

Remember, your primary care physician should be your main health advocate. Get on track for healthier lifestyle in the New Year!

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