Department of Urology

Fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery
Cleveland Clinic, Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute
Cleveland, Ohio

Residency in Urology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
Chief Resident

Internship in Surgery
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia

Doctorate of Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University, College of Medicine
Richmond, Virginia


  • Board-Certified Physician

  • Florida Licensed
  • Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society

  • Member of the American Urological Association
  • Fellowship-Trained in Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery


Klausner AP, Ibanez D, King AB, et al. The Influence of Psychiatric Comorbidities and Sexual Trauma on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Female Veterans. J Urol 2009;182(6): 2785-90.

King A, Rapp D. Incontinence: Evaluation of a midurethral single incision sling. Nat Rev Urol 2010;7(10): 539-41.

King A, Klausner A, Johnson C, Moore B, Wilson S, Grob B. Expert Training with Standardized Operative Technique Helps Establish a Successful Penile Prothesis Program for Urologic Resident Education. J Sex Med 2011;8(10): 2726-32.

King A, Rapp D. Short-term Urgency Outcomes Following Transobturator Mid-Urethral Sling Placement. Can J Urol 2011;18(4): 5796-801.

King A, Rapp D. Prolonged urinary retention after intravesical botulinum injection for treatment of idiopathic detrusor overactivity. Can J Urol 2011;18(2): 5657-59.

Klausner AP, King AB, Velasquez M, et al. A Survey of Ethically Challenging Issues in Urological Practice. J Urol 2011;185(4): 1407-11.

King A, Wolters J, Klausner A, Rapp D. Association of bladder sensation measures and bladder diary in patients with urinary incontinence. Can J Urol 2012; 19(2): 183-7.

Wolfe T, Klausner A, Goetz L, King AB, Gater D, Hudson T. Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy for Urolithiasis in the Spinal Cord Injury Population. Spinal Cord 2013; 51(2):156-60.

King AB, Wolters JP, Klausner AP, Rapp DE. Vaginal symptoms and sexual function after tension-free vaginal tape-obturator placement: minimum 12-month follow up. Urology 2013; 81(1): 50-54.

Leung CP, Klausner AP, Habibi JR, King AB, Feldman A. Audience response system: a new learning tool for urologic conferences. Can J Urol 2013; 20:7042-5.

Klausner AP, King AB, Byrne MD, Habibi JR, Li K, Sabarwal V, Speich JE, Ratz PH. A new and automated method for objective analysis of detrusor rhythm during the filling phase. World J Urol 2014; 32:85-90.

Wolters JP, King AB, Rapp DE. Satisfaction in patients undergoing concurrent pelvic floor surgery for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. 2014; 20: 23-26.

Rapp DE, King AB, Rowe B, Wolters, JP. Comprehensive Evaluation of Anterior Elevate System In The Treatment of Anterior and Apical Pelvic Floor Descent: 2-Year Follow-Up. J Urol 2014; 191:389-94.

King AB, Koo HP. (2009) Vesicoureteral reflux. In LG Gomella, The 5-Minute Urology Consult. (2nd edition). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Stike A, Boone J, King A, Lyckholm L, Wolfe L, Koo H, Klausner A. A survey of ethically challenging issues in urological practice. Can J Urol 2008; 15(4):4202.

Moore B, King A, Petrossian A, et al. Ileovesicostomy for neurogenic bladder dysfunction. Can J Urol 2009; 16(4):4792.

Moore B, King A, Petrossian A, et al. Ileovesicostomy for neurogenic bladder dysfunction. J Urol 2010;183(4): e396.

King A, Petrossian A, Anderson B, Rapp DE, Grob BM, Gater DR, Klausner AP. Racial Differences in Bladder Management in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury/Disability. Can J Urol 2010; 17(4): 5321.

King A, Rapp D. Effect of mid-urethral sling placement on urgency and urge incontinence. Can J Urol 2010;17(4):5326.

Johnson C, King A, Klausner A, Rapp D. Initial experience with Elevate repair system for pelvic organ prolapse. Neurourol Urodyn 2011;30(2):204-279.

King A, Petrossian A, Anderson B, Rapp D, Grob BM, Gater D, Klausner A. Racial differences in bladder management methods in patients with spinal cord injury/disability (SCI/D). Neurourol Urodyn 2011; 30(2):204-279.

King A, Klausner AP, Robinson S, Rapp DE, Sabarwall V, Speich J, Koo HP, Ratz P. A New Method for Objective Analysis of Detrusor Rhythm during the Filling Phase. Neurourol Urodyn 2011; 30(2):204-279.

King A, Klausner A, Mangipudi N, et al. A new method for objective analysis of detrusor rhythm during the filling phase. J Urol 2011;185(4): e322-e23.

King A, Klausner A, Robinson S, Rapp D, Sabarwal V, Speich J, Koo H, Ratz P. A new method of objective analysis of detrusor rhythm during the filling phase. Can J Urol 2011;18(5):5958.

King A, Wolters J, Klausner A, Rapp D. Sexual function following TVTO placement: minimum 12-month followup. Can J Urol 2011;18(5):5961.

Wolters J, King A, Klausner A, Rapp D. Is complete cure necessary for satisfaction in patients undergoing anti-incontinence and prolapse surgery? Can J Urol 2011;18(5):5962.

King A, Wolters J, Klausner A, Rapp D. Association of bladder sensation measures and bladder diary in patients with urinary incontinence. Can J Urol 2011;18(5):5977.

Byrne M, King A, Speich J, Klausner A, Ratz P. A New Method for Objective Analyses of Detrusor Rhythmic Contraction. Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

Southern J, Frazier J, Minor A, Byrne M, King A, Speich J, Klausner A, Ratz P.

Length-Dependent Regulation of Detrusor Smooth Muscle Myosin Light Chain Phosphorylation and Tone During Bladder Filling. Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

Speich J, Almasri A, Wilson C, Southern J, Klausner A, King A, Byrne M, Ratz P. Length Adaptation via Autonomous Contraction in Rabbit Detrusor and Volume Adaptation in Mouse Bladder. Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

Klausner A, King A, Rogman A, Speich J, Byrne M, Ratz P. Prostanoid Profiling using Ion-Spray Tandem Mass Spectrophotometry: A Potential New Modality for Overactive Bladder Diagnosis and Sub-Typing. Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

Wolters J, King A, Klausner A, Rapp D. Is Complete Cure Necessary for Satisfaction in Patients Undergoing Concurrent Anti-Incontinence and Prolapse Surgery? Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

King A, Wolters J, Klausner A, Rapp D. Association of Bladder Sensation Measures and Bladder Diary in Patients with Urinary Incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

Wolters J, King A, Rowe B, Rapp D. Comprehensive Evaluation of Anterior Elevate System in the Treatment of Anterior and Apical Pelvic Floor Descent: 1 Year Follow-Up. Neurourol Urodyn 2012; 31: 210–289.

Wolters J, King A, Klausner A, Rapp D. Is Complete Cure Necessary for Satisfaction in Patients Undergoing Concurrent Anti-Incontinence and Prolapse Surgery? J Urol 2012; 187 (4 suppl): e1-935.

King A, Wolters J, Klausner A, Rapp D. Sexual function following TVTO placement: minimum 12-month followup. J Urol 2012; 187 (4 suppl): e1-935.

Byrne M, King A, Speich J, Klausner A, Ratz P. A New Method for Objective Analyses of Detrusor Rhythmic Contraction. Can J Urol 2012; 19(5): 11.

Southern J, Frazier J, Miner A, Byrne M, King A, Speich J, Klausner A, Ratz P. Length-dependent Regulation of Detrusor Smooth Muscle Myosin Light Chain Phosphorylation and Tone During Bladder Filling. Can J Urol 2012; 19(5): 15.

Byrne M, Habibi J, Wolters J, King A, Rowe B, Rapp D. Comprehensive Evaluation of Anterior Elevate System in the Treatment of Anterior and Apical Pelvic Floor Descent: Minimum 2-year Follow-Up. Neurourol Urodyn 2013; 32: 113.

King A. Pregnancy complications related to previous urinary diversion. Virginia Commonwealth University, Grand Rounds, Richmond, 2009.

Moore B, King A, Petrossian A, Hampton L, GrobBM, Guruli G, Klausner AP. Ileovesicostomy for Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction. American Urological Association, San Francisco, 2011.

King A, Petrossian A, Anderson B, Rapp DE, Grob BM, Gater DR, Klausner AP. Racial Differences in Bladder Management in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury/Disability. MidAtlantic Section of the American Urological Association , Farmington, 2011.

King A, Rapp DE. Short-term Effect of Mid-Urethral Sling Placement on Urgency and Urge Incontinence. Resident Essay Prize Winner, MidAtlantic Section of the American Urological Association , Farmington, 2011.

King A, Klausner AP, Robinson S, Rapp DE, Sabarwall V, Speich J, Koo HP, Ratz P. A New Method for Objective Analysis of Detrusor Rhythm during the Filling Phase. American Urological Association Meeting, Washington DC, 2011.

King A, Wolters JP, Klausner AP, Rapp DE. Sexual Function Following TVTO Placement: Minimum 12 Month Follow Up. Combined New England and MidAtlantic Section of American Urological Association, Orlando, 2011.

King A, Wolters JP, Klausner AP, Rapp DE. Association of Bladder Sensation Measures and Bladder Diary in Patients with Urinary Incontinence. Combined New England and MidAtlantic Section of American Urological Association, Orlando, 2011.

King A, Klausner AP, Robinson S, Rapp DE, Sabarwall V, Speich J, Koo HP, Ratz P. A New Method for Objective Analysis of Detrusor Rhythm during the Filling Phase. Combined New England and MidAtlantic Section of American Urological Association, Orlando, 2011.

King A, Koo H, Koontz W. Medical College of Virginia: A Proud Legacy: Austin Ingram Dodson MD. Combined New England and MidAtlantic Section of American Urological Association, Orlando, 2011.

King A. Genitourinary Tuberculosis. Virginia Commonwealth University, Grand Rounds, Richmond, 2012.

King A, Wolters J, Klausner A, Rapp D. Sexual function following TVTO placement: minimum 12-month follow Up. American Urological Association Meeting, Atlanta, 2012.

Makovey I, Abraham N, King A, Goldman H, Rackley R, Moore C, Rackley R, Moore C, Vasavada S. Early versus Delayed Synthetic Sling Incision and Need for Repeat Anti-incontinence Surgery. Fellows Forum, Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction, Miami, 2014.

King A, Tenggardjaja C, Rackley RR. Excision of Complex/Horseshoe Urethral Diverticulum: Techniques and Surgical Pearls. Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction, Miami, 2014



Monday – Friday 8:00a – 5:00p